Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Re-Using Shipping containers for building

Here is a post I saw recently on using shipping containers, with some interesting photos and explanatory text:


Its worth checking out.  Although not officially "GREEN"  it does fall into the category of recycling and helping to save the planet by re-using, upcycling items that have become waste products and no longer useful and are creating immense landfill problems.

This is the same type of concept that lies behind earthships (which are built with used types).


"....first, to use these as occupied buildings, you have to insulate them, heat and cool them, add electricity and add plumbing. All of those elements will encroach on the already cramped dimensions if you have to fit these elements within the exterior skin, but it can be done. The walls between units can also come out, and the ceilings and floors can be removed to create multiple volume spaces, but any more extensive demolition of the framing begins to break down the cost effectiveness of the system as well as the “green” benefits of reusing these containers......"

Here are a few more useful links I found for further reading: 
Twelve amazing shipping container houses -  http://green.yahoo.com/blog/daily_green_news/8/twelve-amazing-shipping-container-houses.html

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