Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Our healing kit

There are some items we always keep in our first aid kit and they are not the usual items you find in a first aid kit, but they work for us:

Fresh herbs (or dried):
Sage - gargle for sore throats and tissaine (tea)
Mint - cold and flu
Nasturtium - natural antibiotic
Garlic - natural anti biotic

Essential oils
Lavender - burns or stings/bites
Eucalyptus - colds
Tea tree - makes a gargle for mouth ulcers

Swedish Bitter herbs - So many things

Hot Toddy
Whisky (natures medicine)
lemon - vit c

Other essentials
Rescue Remedy - for shock and anxiety

Arnica Ice - Fantastic Equine (and human) rub for aching muscles etc

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