Friday, 22 February 2013


Think about recycling pallets.  How often do you see pallets lying - dumped at the side of the road?

There are so many uses for pallets.

One of the best things you can do if you have even a small piece of land, is to compost.  Composting and growing your own herbs and vegetables are fun and vital really :)

Today we look at making compost bins out of pallets and planting vertical vege gardens.

For composting, pallets offer both good aeration and the perfect size for compost bins, once they have been secured together in a box shape.  You can use on for the base too.  Some suggest covering the compost with a piece of old carpet  to keep the warmth in and speed up the composting process.  Depending on how much compost you have/will generate from household scraps and garden refuse - you can build a few next to each other.


DO: add in layers, leaves, branches, vegeterian animal waste, vege scraps, citrus scraps, coffee grounds, layer with comfrey leaves, cut flowers, grass mowings (scatter), hay and straw, hedge clippings, nettles, seaweed, teabags, urine, cardboard, egg boxes and shells, prunings, hair cuttings, natural corks, paper bags, mielie cobs, wood ash, wood shavings

NOT: add diseased plants, cooked food, carnivore/omnivore animal waste, bones, bread, cans, cat litter, cigarette ends, clingfilm, coal ash, crisp packets, dairy products, disposable nappies, dog faeces, pet food, cooking oil, meat and fish scraps, soiled tissues, plastic bottles and bags.

Using pallets for vertical vege gardens is an excellent option for those who only have a small space.  VIP Water with mister daily.  Pallets are also great for areas that are too difficult to dig up/rocky etc.  Just lay a pallet down, directly on the ground and fill-up with soil/compost and then plant seeds or seedlings in the neat rows.  Perfect.

Here is site you can look at for vertical gardening with pallets:

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

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Latest  post:  Recycling idea (re- posted from Backyard Diva)

Super re-purposing idea!
Photo submitted by BYD member Kristi R.